sexta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2018

Equações of R. S. Chaves at Amazon

The formulas of R. S. Chaves solve: cubic equations, quartic equations and quintic equations. Read the book: Cartilha das Equações (formulas of R. S. Chaves), published in the Amazon stores in e-Book Kindle.
This book contains unpublished formulas for cubic equation, quartic equation, and quintic equation. The demonstration of the formulas is published in the book. It was released on August 16, 2018.
The way these formulas have been developed may inspire mathematicians to develop new formulas.Amazon lets you read the first few pages of the book before you buy it. Take a look and you'll see it's worth it. In Amazon search look for: "R. S. Chaves" or "Cartilha das Equações"

quinta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2018

New formula to solve quartic equation - R S Chaves

The formulas of R. S. Chaves solve: cubic equations, quartic equations and quintic equations. Read the book: Cartilha das Equações (formulas of R. S. Chaves), published in the Amazon stores in e-Book Kindle.
This book contains unpublished formulas for cubic equation, quartic equation, and quintic equation. The demonstration of the formulas is published in the book. It was released on August 16, 2018.
The way these formulas have been developed may inspire mathematicians to develop new formulas.Amazon lets you read the first few pages of the book before you buy it. Take a look and you'll see it's worth it. In Amazon search look for: "R. S. Chaves" or "Cartilha das Equações". If you prefer, please indicate below the direct links to the book.

Formulas of R. S. Chaves

quarta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2018

New formula to solve cubic equation - R S Chaves

The formulas of R. S. Chaves solve: cubic equations, quartic equations and quintic equations. Read the book: Cartilha das Equações (formulas of R. S. Chaves), published in the Amazon stores in e-Book Kindle.

This book contains unpublished formulas for cubic equation, quartic equation, and quintic equation. The demonstration of the formulas is published in the book. It was released on August 16, 2018.

The way these formulas have been developed may inspire mathematicians to develop new formulas.Amazon lets you read the first few pages of the book before you buy it. Take a look and you'll see it's worth it. In Amazon search look for: "R. S. Chaves" or "Cartilha das Equações". If you prefer, please indicate below the direct links to the book.

terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2018

New formula of equation third degree - R S Chaves

It is with great satisfaction that I present the book: Cartilha das Equações (formulas of R. S. Chaves), published in the Amazon stores in e-Book Kindle. This book contains unpublished formulas for second, third, fourth, and fifth degree equations. The demonstration of the formulas is published in the book. It was released on August 16, 2018.
The way these formulas have been developed may inspire mathematicians to develop new formulas.
Amazon lets you read the first few pages of the book before you buy it. Take a look and you'll see it's worth it. In Amazon search look for: "R. S. Chaves" or "Cartilha das Equações". If you prefer, please indicate below the direct links to the book.


segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2018

A fórmula para solucionar equações de terceiro grau foi achada

The formula for solving third-degree equations was found

Há Séculos os homens buscam uma fórmula para solucionar equações de terceiro, quarto e quinto grau.
Finalmente já está publicada no Livro: Cartilha das Equações, de R. S. Chaves. À Venda na Amazon no formato e-book Kindle. Visite o Blog e veja como comprá-lo.

For centuries men have sought a formula for solving third, fourth, and fifth degree equations.
Finally it is already published in the Book: “Cartilha das Equações”, by R. S. Chaves. For Sale on Amazon in e-book Format Kindle. Visit the Blog and see how to buy it.

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018

Aos professores de matemática

É com imensa satisfação que apresento o livro: Cartilha das Equações (fórmulas de R. S. Chaves), publicado nas lojas Amazon em e-Book Kindle. Este livro contém fórmulas inéditas para equações de segundo, terceiro, quarto e quinto grau. A demonstração das fórmulas está publicada no livro. Foi lançado no dia 16 de agosto de 2018.
A forma que estas fórmulas foram desenvolvidas poderá inspirar os matemáticos a desenvolverem novas fórmulas.
Na busca da Amazon procure por: “R. S. Chaves” ou “Cartilha das Equações”.

Á venda na Amazon

Somente em e-Book

quinta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2018

Nova formula de equação terceiro grau – R S Chaves

É com imensa satisfação que apresento o livro: Cartilha das Equações (fórmulas de R. S. Chaves), publicado nas lojas Amazon em e-Book Kindle. Este livro contém fórmulas inéditas para equações de segundo, terceiro, quarto e quinto grau. A demonstração das fórmulas está publicada no livro. Foi lançado no dia 16 de agosto de 2018.
A forma que estas fórmulas foram desenvolvidas poderá inspirar os matemáticos a desenvolverem novas fórmulas.
Na busca da Amazon procure por: “R. S. Chaves” ou “Cartilha das Equações”. Se preferir indico abaixo os links diretos ao livro.


Compre o livro

À venda na Amazon

e-Books Kindle

quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2018

New formula of equation third degree - R S Chaves

It is with great satisfaction that I present the book: Cartilha das Equações (formulas of R. S. Chaves), published in the Amazon stores in e-Book Kindle. This book contains unpublished formulas for second, third, fourth, and fifth degree equations. The demonstration of the formulas is published in the book. It was released on August 16, 2018.
The way these formulas have been developed may inspire mathematicians to develop new formulas.
In Amazon search look for: "R. S. Chaves" or "Cartilha das Equações". If you prefer, please indicate below the direct links to the book.


Rio de Janeiro, August 22, 2018.
R. S. Chaves

To teach, you have to learn first.
Buy the book.